Online Help > AlpineQuest 2.x > Settings

User settings

User settings allow users to modify advanced behaviors, and should be modified by advanced users only.

They must be saved in a text file called user_settings.conf inside the application folder (an empty file should be present at this location).

Be sure to use the latest version so all settings are available.

You must restart the application after changing any of these settings.

User setting names don't contain spaces.

User settings should be used with caution. Some may cause the application to be more unstable or even crash.

List of available user settings

# Advanced settings file for “AlpineQuest Explorer” and “All-In-One OfflineMaps”.
# See accepted colors here:
### Core ###
# Activate the verbose mode so the application displays more information in the log files.
# Force a different language other than the one of the device.
# Choices are “ar”, “bg”, “de”, “en”, “es”, “fa”, “fr”, “hr”, “it”, “ja”, “ko”, “lt”, “nl”, “pt”, “ro”, “ru”, “sk”, “sl”, “tr”, “uk”, “zh”, “zh-rTW”.
# Display a warning message in the main menu when using a beta version.
# Hardware acceleration related settings.
# When requesting the user to accept a permission, automatically resume the current action if it's done within this number of seconds (set to “0” to disable).
# Define a custom coordinate format, multiple entries allowed.
# The first part is the display format (either “grid”, “xy”, “d”, “dm” or “dms”), the second part is the OGC WKT of the projection (for example something like this:, separated by a coma.
# Minimal value (m) required to display the distance information on the screen center (between screen center and target or between screen center and current real-time location).
# Maximum number of decimals used when displaying kilometers or miles.
# When using a metric distance unit, display decimal for distances smaller than this value (in meter).
# When using a metric distance unit, display decimal for accuracies smaller than this value (in meter).
# When using a metric distance unit, display decimals for speeds smaller than this value (in kilometres per hour).
# When using a metric distance unit, number of decimals to use when displaying decimal meters.
# When using an imperial distance unit, display decimal for distances smaller than this value (in meter).
# When using an imperial distance unit, display decimal for accuracies smaller than this value (in meter).
# When using an imperial distance unit, display decimals for speeds smaller than this value (in miles per hour).
# When using an imperial distance unit, number of decimals to use when displaying decimal feet.
# Take into account the elevation changes when computing one-shot horizontal distances (like target distance, screen center distance).
# For metric area unit (m², km²), define when to use km².
# For metric area unit (m², are, km²), define when to use km².
# For metric area unit (m², are, ha, km²), define when to use km².
# For imperial area unit (ft², yd², acre, mi²), define when to use square miles.
# Define the maximum number of decimals to use when displaying bearing units.
# Define the number of degree decimals to use when displaying coordinates in decimal degrees (D).
# Define the number of second decimals to use when displaying coordinates in degrees, minutes, seconds (DMS).
# Number of decimals to use when exporting coordinates in degrees.
# Value of zenith (in degrees) to use when computing sunrise and sunset times (official: “90.833”, civil: “96.0”, nautical: “102.0”, astronomical: “108.0”).
# Picture names taken from the application, for example when creating picture waypoints (see accepted patterns here:
# Intent action used to call the camera application when taking a picture from the application.
# File extension of pictures taken from the application.
# Audio names taken from the application, for example when creating audio waypoints (see accepted patterns here:
# Intent action used to call the audio recorder application when recording audios from the application.
# File extension of audios recorded from the application.
# Size of the icons of the menu bar (in “dp”).
# Background color of the menu bar.
# Background color of the menu bar when hidden.
# Separators color of the menu bar.
# Corners radius of the menu bar (in “dp”).
# Display help buttons in the menus.
# Display an exit button in the main menu on all devices, including the ones where an hardware “Back” button is available.
# Display a chooser to switch workspace in the main sub-menu (only when at least one alternate workspace has been created).
# Disable long-press action (select the top item) for the main menu button.
# Close the application when selecting an external mapping application from the “Open with...” action (including “OpenStreetMap”, “Google”, “Yandex”, “Other application (default)” and “Navigation” choices).
# Allow backuping of the folder containing application logs. 
# Maximum size of data to transmit through intents (in bytes).
# Force a particular screen orientation (either empty, “PORTRAIT” or “LANDSCAPE”).
# Force a particular screen brightness, from dark (“0”) to full bright (“100”).
# Disable all SSL certificate checks.
# Specify the protocol to use when using insecure https connections (either empty, “SSL” or “TLS”).
# Disable use of SSLv3.
# Specify when to use HTTS when communicating with psyberia's online services (either empty: HTTPS used from Android 8.0, “A”: always use HTTPS or “N”: never use HTTPS).
# HTTPS is disabled by default on Android versions older than 8.0 because of compatibility issues with “Let's Encrypt” (
### User Interface ###
# Allows the soft keyboard to be automatically displayed for some input dialogs.
# Require users to confirm dangerous deletions with a checkbox.
# Delay after which the loading progress bar is displayed in the file explorers.
### Map view ###
# Display color of the texts displayed in the information boxes.
# Display texts in the information boxes in bold.
# Display color of the main coordinate format and grid.
# Display color of the secondary coordinate format and grid.
# EPSG code of the coordinate reference system (CRS) to use when sharing a coordinate using the “Share” action.
# URL of a mapping website to use in the “Share” action text message.
# The following variables are available:
#  {$longitude}, {$latitude},
#  {$zoom} (current zoom level of the map),
#  {$name} (name of the shared point if any),
#  {$date} (formatted record date of the point if any),
#  {$date_time} (formatted record date and time of the point if any),
#  {$time_ms} (record unix timestamp in milliseconds of the point if any),
#  {$time_s} (record unix timestamp in seconds of the point if any),
#  {$olc} (coordinates encoded in the Open Location Code format),
#  {$geohash} (coordinates encoded in the Geohash format),
#  {$maidenhead} (coordinates encoded in the Maidenhead Locator System format).
# URL used when selecting the “Share... Map preview” action.
# URL used when selecting the “Share... OpenStreetMaps” action.
# URL used when selecting the “Share... Google Maps” action.{$latitude},{$longitude}/@{$latitude},{$longitude},{$zoom}z
# URL used when selecting the “Share... Bing Maps” action.{$latitude}~{$longitude}&sp=point.{$latitude}_{$longitude}&lvl={$zoom}
# URL used when selecting the “Share... Here Maps” action.{$latitude},{$longitude},{$zoom}
# URL used when selecting the “Share... Apple Plans” action.{$latitude},{$longitude}
# URL used when selecting the “Share... Yandex Maps” action.{$longitude}%2C{$latitude}&z={$zoom}&mode=whatshere&whatshere%5Bpoint%5D={$longitude}%2C{$latitude}&whatshere%5Bzoom%5D={$zoom}
# URL used when opening a location with “Maps Directions”.
# URL used when opening a location with “Street View”.
# URL used when opening a named location with “Other application”.,0?q={$latitude},{$longitude}({$name})&z={$zoom}
# URL used when opening an unnamed location with “Other application”.
# URL used when opening a location with “Navigation (Driving)”.
# URL used when opening a location with “Navigation (Walking)”.
# URL used when opening a location with “Navigation (Cycling)”.
# URL used when opening a location with “Navigation (Transit)”.
# Display color of the main coordinates grid.
# Display color of the secondary coordinates grid.
# Shadow color of grid labels.
# Width (in “dp”) of major grid lines.
# Width (in “dp”) of minor grid lines.
# Display the names of grids when exporting the map as an image.
# Print density (in dots per inch) of the exported map image to get a correct scale value and bar.
# X offset (in pixel) for the display of zoom buttons.
# Y offset (in pixel) for the display of zoom buttons.
# Size (in “dp”) of the zoom buttons.
# Opacity of the zoom buttons.
# Number of possible additional “-” zoom button presses before the first zoom level of a map, allowing to artificially decrease even more the display scale of the first zoom level.
# Number of possible additional “+” zoom button presses after the last zoom level of a map, allowing to artificially increase even more the display scale of the last zoom level.
# Text size (in “sp”) of popup comments when clicking on a displayed placemark.
# Maximum time spend (in seconds) to generate an image tile.
# Do not draw a re-projected map tile over a base tile if it's smaller than this value (in “px”).
# Do not draw a re-projected map tile over a base tile if its alpha value (from “0” to “255”) is smaller than this value.
# Do not draw a re-projected map tile over a base tile if more than this number of re-projected tiles is needed (vertically and horizontally).
# Display map tiles that are outside of the current map bounds with half transparency. 
# Image quality (bitmap configuration) used for the map canvas tiles.
# “ARGB_8888” has a better display quality but uses more memory (two times more than “RGB_565”).
# Disable hardware acceleration for the main map view.
# Ask use before loosing a complex painters configuration
# Force filter map tile images when their pixels doesn't match 1:1 or 1:2 the screen pixels.
# Fading effect length (in “ms”) when a map tile is updated.
# Base world map opacity for small scales when some maps are displayed over it (this maps is not displayed for large scales).
# Maximum pitch angle (in degrees) that can be reached by moving two fingers down over the map.
# Invert the vertical direction of the two fingers to pitch the map view.
# Make a smooth transition effect when changing the azimuth of the map.
# Make a smooth transition effect when changing the location of the map.
# Define if the map continues to move a little after ending sliding it.
# Display copyrights of currently displayed maps at the top/right angle of the map.
# Display the screen center icon.
# Display the screen center icon when long-pressing the map.
# Scale ratio when displaying the screen center icon when long-pressing the map.
# Offset for choosing the screen display resolution when long pressing the map for the “zoom in” option.
# Offset for choosing the screen display resolution when long pressing the map for the “zoom out” option.
# Allows two-fingers long-press.
# Allow double-taps on the map.
# Radius (in “dp”) of the screen center icon.
# Color used to draw the inner part of the screen center icon.
# Color used to draw the outer part of the screen center icon
# Display color of the circular scale.
# Size factor for the circular scale lines.
# Size factor for the circular scale labels.
# Index of the circular scale circle on which to display the labels.
# Screen ratio defining the maximum size of the first radius ruler, uses value of “maps.infobox.scale_bar_screen_ratio” by default.
# Display size factor for the heading arrow.
# Transparency of the heading arrow (from “0.0” completely transparent to “1.0” completely opaque).
# Display size factor for the heading field-of-view.
### Maps & Layers ###
# Disable long-press action (select the top menu item) for the “Maps & Layers” menu button.
# Activate the debug mode for maps: log custom variables evaluations and tiles requests, draw on the screen the tiles bounds and coordinates of all displayed maps.
# Display the OSM/Google zoom index id in the current map scale information box.
# Display scale value in various units in the maps information box for debug purposes (at map default location in “m/px”, at screen center in “m/px”, at screen center in “px/deg”).
# Screen ratio defining the maximum size of the scale bar.
# Alpha value (from “0.1” to “0.9”) of the white layer displayed over the previews in the “Maps Explorer”.
# When selecting a favorite map that doesn't cover the currently displayed area, ask the user to move to a covered area.
# Maximum number of columns used to display favorite maps and sets in the “Maps & Layers” submenu.
# Display an entry allowing to select the device's root folder in the menu drawer of the “Maps Explorer”.
# When moving the map, automatically select another file-based map (from the same folder) if the current map doesn't cover the current location anymore.
# Allow coverage auto-loading even if additional maps are displayed over the main file-based map.
# When using +/- zoom buttons, automatically select another file-based map (from the same folder) if the current map doesn't cover the current scale anymore.
# Minimum difference in scale that a zoom level of another file-based map must have to be elligible to zoom buttons auto-loading.
# Number of additional times the “-” zoom button can be pressed after reaching the first level of details of the current map, virtually reducing even more the zoom.
# Number of additional times the “+” zoom button can be pressed after reaching the last level of details of the current map, virtually increasing even more the zoom.
# Create index files for AQM maps in order to speed-up loading.
# Crop displayed “.ozf2” and “.ozfx3” maps along the “Moving Map Parameter” definitions of the “.map” file.
# Maximum number of tiles allowed to be downloaded at once in the store area tool (large values can hang or crash the application, maximum value is “1000000”).
# Maximum failed tiles (in percent) to retry at the end of the download process.
# Hide informations boxes at the top/left of the map while selecting the area to download.
# Preview level on the map when choosing the maximum scale to download.
# Keep the screen on while the area downloader progressbar is displayed.
# Target speed (in kbs) per map when downloading areas.
# Display the status of downloading DEM elevation data chunks on the map.
# Exaggeration factor used when generating built-in hillshade layer from local DEM elevation data.
# Light source azimuth (in degrees, from “0.0” to “360.0”) used when generating built-in hillshade layer from local DEM elevation data.
# Automatically update the map when the network is available again when there are some missing areas displayed.
# Color used for missing areas when on-demand maps storage coverage indicators are displayed.
# Color used for out-dated areas when on-demand maps storage coverage indicators are displayed.
# Color used for up to date areas when on-demand maps storage coverage indicators are displayed.
# Display a message over missing parts of on-demand maps when the option “Use only local storage” is active.
# Display a message over missing parts of on-demand maps when there is currently no network.
# Display a message over missing parts of on-demand maps that are not available on the server.
# Automatically refresh the community maps list on a regular basis.
### Placemarks ###
# Disable long-press action (select the top menu item) for the “Placemarks” menu button.
# Color of proximity alerts.
# In the “Displayed placemarks” list, number from which to group single alerts.
# Draw small arrows on the line from screen center to current distance.
# Number of recently targeted locations to keep in the unsorted placemarks targets set. Set to “0” to not save targeted locations.
# Delay (in seconds) after which to update “done so far” statistics.
# When the track recorder is active, use recorded done so far moving speed to compute the ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival) and ETE (Estimated Time En-route) instead of the instant GNSS speed.
# Maximum of displayed sub-items in popups displayed when selecting placemarks on the map.
# Display the elevation (if available) in the popups displayed when selecting placemarks on the map.
# Display the data (if available) in the popups displayed when selecting placemarks on the map.
# Number of statistic fields displayed in the popup when selecting a track or a path on the map.
# Height (in “dp”) of the statistics area displayed in the popup when selecting a track or a path on the map (for areas, this height will be 1.6 time smaller).
# Display a map preview in the sliding menu when selecting an item on the map.
# Display actions shortcupts under the map preview in the sliding menu when selecting an item on the map.
# Number of maximum characters to use for the description preview in the sliding menu when selecting an item on the map.
# In the “Placemarks Explorer”, display the bearing value in addition to the bearing arrow.
# In the “Placemarks Explorer”, always display the date of tracks even if they have a name.
# In the “Placemarks Explorer”, when placemarks are displayed with the preview mode, display distance and direction to item at the bottom right.
# In the “Placemarks Explorer”, when tracks are displayed with the preview mode, display some additional information at the bottom left, like number of segments, waypoints, and if keywords are present.
# Maximum number of characters for the comment or description preview displayed in the “Placemarks Explorer” or on the map.
# In the details view of a placemark, controls if the “File” section is opened or not by default.
# Display the mean elevation line in graphics.
# Reset the default name counter of created auto-routings, measures and slopes at each startup.
# Create new waypoints on the current real-time location (if available) instead of the current screen center location by default.
# Whether fast waypoints are created in the unsorted placemarks (when “false”) or in the previous place where a regular waypoint has been saved (when “true”).
# Display the regular waypoint input dialog for picture waypoints.
# Display the regular waypoint input dialog for audio waypoints.
# Ask for waypoint names when creating sets of waypoints.
# Allows the commercial “GraphHopper” auto-routing service.
# Use other services access keys entered by the user when using the automatic auto-routing service.
# When importing waypoints from a file (“GPX” or “KML”), group single waypoints as sets when this number is reached.
# When importing a placemark file previously imported, don't ask to re-open the previous version.
# Number of decimal digits to use when exporting elevations (3 digits equals to millimeters).
# Display an entry allowing to select the device's root folder in the menu drawer of the “Placemarks Explorer”.
# Action to make when opening a placemarks file to import (“.gpx”, “.kml”, etc.) from an external file manager.
# Possible values are “0” (ask the user), “1” (browse content) or “2” (display content).
# Center the map over imported placemarks files (“.gpx”, “.kml”, etc.).
# Make sure new track segments start on the same location where the last one ends, based on various conditions.
# Reconciliate track segments if their distance is less than this value.
# Export horizontal accuracy in “<hdop>” gpx tags.
# Use the “WGS84” elevations instead of the “EGM96” elevations in exported “GPX” files.
# Write the “<geoidheight>” tags when exporting “GPX” files (the geoid height is the difference in meters between the “EGM96” elevation and the “WGS84” elevation).
# Write the “<picture>” tags when exporting “GPX” files (contain the path of pictures associated with waypoints).
# When importing KML/KMZ files, multi-geometries are imported in their own folders.
# When exporting KMZ files, default display with of picture previews (in “px”).
# Export areas as polygons instead of linear rings.
# When exporting KMZ files, sub-folder in which to save the picture files within the KMZ file.
# Display size factor for placemark labels.
# Display color for placemark labels.
# Display color for the border of placemark labels.
# Maximum number of characters for names of placemarks displayed on the map.
# Display size factor for points displayed on the map.
# Display field of view direction of pictures on the map when available.
# Display estimated durations for routes when an activity is set.
# Display line labels on routes, even if the global display placemarks labels settings is un-checked.
# Display size factor for paths displayed on the map.
# Display small dots at the beginning and end of paths.
# Use the canvas drawPath call to draw paths and tracks when possible, instead of multiple drawLine calls.
# Display small arrows on recorded track do display the track direction.
# Zoom level id threshold, from which to display track events locations on the map.
# Zoom level id threshold, from which to display track events texts on the map, default is (“landmarks.painter.tracks.events_threshold”+1).
# Zoom level id threshold, from which to display areas where the user remained without moving for some time while recording a track, default is (“landmarks.painter.tracks.events_threshold”+2).
# Color used to draw areas where the user remained without moving for some time while recording a track.
# Display size factor for area outlines displayed on the map.
# Display size factor for placemark icons displayed on the map.
# Display size factor for texts displayed above and below the screen center icon.
# Default color of the “Accommodation” category symbols.
# Default color of the “Amenities” category symbols.
# Default color of the “Food” category symbols.
# Default color of the “Health” category symbols.
# Default color of the “Man made” category symbols.
# Default color of the “Natural” category symbols.
# Default color of the “Power” category symbols.
# Default color of the “Shopping” category symbols.
# Default color of the “Sport” category symbols.
# Default color of the “Tourism” category symbols.
#landmarks.symbols.color.tourism= #AF17A6
# Default color of the “Transportation” category symbols.
# Default color of the “Water” category symbols.
# Default color of the “Worship” category symbols.
# Colors of different track activities.
### Positioning ###
# Disable long-press action (select the top menu item) for the “Positioning” menu button.
# Color of the displayed real-time location course line.
# Width factor for the real-time location course line.
# Dashes definition of the displayed real-time location course line (first number is length of drawn part, next number length of transparent part, etc.). Use “0” for no dashes.
# Adjust provided elevations to geoid elevations using the “EGM96” model for location provider “gps”.
# Adjust provided elevations to geoid elevations using the “EGM96” model for location provider “network”.
# Adjust provided elevations to geoid elevations using the “EGM96” model for location provider “passive”.
# Color of the current location when accurate.
# Color of the current location when not accurate.
# Draw small arrows on the line from real-time location to screen center.
# Draw the accuracy circle of real-time location.
# When displaying previous locations on the map, maximum number of location to display.
# Display the real-time location vertical accuracy in the location information box, for compatible devices only.
# Display real-time location based center texts even if the real-time location line is disable in the general settings.
# When requesting the user to turn on the location in the system settings, automatically activate the real-time location if it's done within this number of seconds (set to “0” to disable).
# Time (in milliseconds) after which to re-lock the real-time location if this option is checked in the main settings.
# Update rate of the real-time location.
# Update delay for the real-time location orientation.
# Use the instant speeds given by the GPS chip instead of the own application's measurements based on previous locations. This speed value is also used for ETA and ETE computations.
# When computing instant speed based on previous locations, only use previous locations not older than this value (in seconds).
# Automatically fix the “GPS Week Number Rollout” issue (
# Ignore GNSS locations with 0,0 coordinates.
### Orientation ###
# Disable long-press action (select the top menu item) for the “Orientation” menu button.
# Color of the displayed compass heading line.
# Width factor for the compass heading line.
# Dashes definition of the displayed compass heading line (first number is length of drawn part, next number length of transparent part, etc.). Use “0” for no dashes.
# Scale factor for the compass displayed on the map.
# Delay (in “ms”) after wich to proceed to a new orientation sensor reading.
### Explorer mode ###
# Approximate delay used to smooth the slope data field.
# Display the titles of the data fields in the “Profile” panel.
# Minimum size (in “sp”) a statistic data bloc title can have.
### Search ###
# When selecting a search result, move on it's location and display a point.
# Set to “false” will only move over the search result location, without displaying it.
# When using the “Distance / Bearing” search format, display a line from the initial point to the searched point.
### Tracking agent ###
# Auto fill the custom user weight field when exporting the track.
# Color of the current track of the track recorder.
# Uses setting “geolocation.localisation.painter.color_accurate” by default.
# Display small arrows on the current track of the track recorder to show the track direction.
# Number of seconds after which the question of the current recorded activity is auto-dismissed. Set to “0” to not auto-dismiss.
# Make the device vibrate when displaying background agent notifications.
# Make the device led flash (if supported by device) when displaying background agent notifications.
# Use the application internal vibrator for notification vibrations (instead of the notification framework vibrator).
# Use the application internal audio player for notification sounds (instead of the notification framework sounds).
# When using the application internal audio player, define the audio stream to use.
# Possible values are “1” (for “STREAM_SYSTEM”), “2” (for “STREAM_RING”), “3” (for “STREAM_MUSIC”), “4” (for “STREAM_ALARM”), “5” (for “STREAM_NOTIFICATION”).
# When using the application internal audio player, device the audio volume (from “0.0” to “1.0”) to use (may also be changed from the system volume settings depending on the audio stream used).
# Distance threshold (in meters) necessary to recheck for proximity alerts.
# Delay (in seconds) necessary to recheck for proximity alerts, when not currently inside an alert area.
# Delay (in seconds) necessary to recheck for proximity alerts, when currently inside an alert area.
# Number of times to replay identical warning sounds.
# Delay after which to replay an identical alert warning sound, within the number of times to replay identical warning sounds.
# Delay after which to replay an identicalalert warning sound, after the number of times to replay identical warning sounds.