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Online Help > AlpineQuest 2.x > Maps & Layers

How to import KML/KMZ overlays?

The application allows you to import most KML/KMZ overlays based on .JPG or .PNG images, and small overlays based on .GIF images.

To import an overlay:

  • Click on the Maps & Layers menu and on Available maps ;
  • By default, on-demand maps are listed. Click on the top-left drawer menu button ;
  • Select the folder in which is saved your KML or KMZ file. For example, select My downloads if your file is located in the /storage/emulated/0/Download/ folder.

When your file is listed, click on it to start the import. The application will display the number and name of the overlay being currently imported .

Depending on the size and number of overlays in the file, the import process can be long. At any time, you can click on Cancel to stop the import.

Once the import process is finished:

  • If one only overlay has been imported, it is displayed ;
  • If multiple overlays have been imported, the application will display the Imported maps folder in which the overlays have been imported.
