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Online Help > AlpineQuest 1.4 > Landmarks

How to import CSV/TSV landmarks?

To import landmarks from CSV/TSV files:

  • Click on the Landmarks menu button ;
  • Click on Explore landmarks to open the landmarks explorer;
  • Using the landmarks explorer, location the file to import, and click on it .


In the import settings dialog:

  • If needed, choose the type of landmark to create from the imported points, the column separator character, the file characters set and the format of coordinates ;
  • Un-check the Headers in first row check-box if the first line of the file is not used to store headers;
  • For each columns of the file to import, click on its assignment button and choose a corresponding type ;
  • After choosing at least a Coordinates column or a Latitude and a Longitude column, click on the Ok button to import the file.
