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Online Help > AlpineQuest 1.4 > Landmarks

Following paths

By following paths, you indicate to the application what path in currently planned, so it can:

  • Automatically target a forward location on the path;
  • Warn you if you are going too far from the path.

How to follow a path ?

  • Display a path on the map (you can use any previously recorded or downloaded track, or create a new one);
  • Click anywhere on it and select select it ;
  • Select the Follow path menu item.

The follow path options dialog is displayed.

  • If you plan to follow the path in the opposite order it was recorded or created, check the Reverse order option;
  • If the path is looping and you plan to follow more than one loop, check the Loop option;
  • Optionally, you can change the distance of the automatically targeted forward location on the path ;
  • Click on Ok to validate the options.


A forward location on the path is automatically targeted , and will change depending on the center location. The distance and direction to the targeted location is displayed in the target information box .

While using the GPS Localization, be sure to lock the center location on the GPS location.

How to modify or cancel the path following ?

To change the path following options, click on the followed path , select it and click on the Follow path menu item again.

To cancel the path following, click on the Remove target menu item.


Leaving followed path warnings

While following a path, the Location Tracker can warn you if you are going too far away from it. Just check the option to enable it. You can change the warn distance using the setting.

This warning feature is not available if no path is currently being followed.

When being more far than the chosen distance, the application will play various sound notifications to help you find your way without handling your device:

  • When going even more far, the application will play two (2) “wrong way” beeps;
  • When being more far that 1.5 times the chosen distance and still going more far, the application will play three (3) “wrong way” beeps;
  • When going closer to the path, the application will play two (2) “right way” beeps.

As long as the Location Tracker is running, the application itself doesn't need to be started to receive the warns.