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[closed] AlpineQuest and NetGuard/VPN

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[closed] AlpineQuest and NetGuard/VPN

Post by tol »

I found that AlpineQuest 2.2.4 freezes when NetGuard is installed on the phone and there is no internet connection. The initial screen gets stuck for 3 minutes and then unlocks and continues to work as it should. However, there are no problems when internet connection is available, i.e. Netguard doesn't block AlpineQuest from internet. It is also possible that AlpineQuest has problems with VPN that is created by NetGuard rather than with NetGuard itself. Could you please check it out and find a solution. I see this situation with all 2.x versions, but 1.4.22 loads fast both with or without internet connection, and 2.0.10 already stucks, so the problem appeared somewhere between these versions.
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Re: AlpineQuest and NetGuard/VPN

Post by Psyberia-Support »


At the first start, the application download the latest map ids (the file located in "[app folder]/datastore/push_settings"). This file is required. The app should not take more than 2 seconds for this step (there is a timeout of 2 secs). Unless your system (or VPN, Firewall, etc) freeze the call.

Then, for all next starts the application uses the same file, so no Internet access is made and you should have not any problem.
So please just be sure to download this file one time.
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Re: AlpineQuest and NetGuard/VPN

Post by tol »

No, in fact it doesn't work. I allow Wifi and AlpineQuest loads fine and shows the maps quickly. Then I exit AlpineQuest and turn off WiFi. I load AlpineQuest again and it freezes.
Please test on your phone through Netgurad or other VPN and make sure "Block connections without VPN" checkbox is enabled (AlpineQuest can start fast when it is disabled and freezes when it is enabled). Probably you changed the way it connects to internet since v. 1.4 and now it tries to go beyond VPN and thus it is being blocked by Android. It's a new feature in Android 10 and I'm not sure how it works, but it works as I described with your software only. Other apps don't seem to have any hangups when this feature is enabled. Please try it on your system.
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Re: AlpineQuest and NetGuard/VPN

Post by Psyberia-Support »

After a freeze, when the app finally starts, can you make an error report (main menu -> Report errors).
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Re: AlpineQuest and NetGuard/VPN

Post by tol »

Freeze 08:06:42, unfreeze 08:09:32.

Code: Select all

# Current date is 2020-03-28
[08:06:42.368] CoreBuilder: Android SDK 29 (10) with 256.0MB of max memory
[08:06:42.390] <AlpineQuestActivity.onWindowGainedFocus()>
[08:06:42.400] CoreBuilder: Redmi 7A (Xiaomi; Redmi 7A/pine/QC_Reference_Phone; Camera; HA; AID93cd492a7b2d5v37)
[08:06:42.403] aws: AlpineQuest Off-Road Explorer 2.2.4
[08:06:42.403] [bcs.doScan()]
[08:06:42.406] bcs: - adding partition '/' (type: INT, canWrite: false)...
[08:06:42.412] bcs: - adding partition '/storage/emulated/0/' (type: INT, canWrite: true, size: 23869MB, free: 21458MB)...
[08:06:42.419] bcq: available storage locations are:
[08:06:42.420] bcq: - storage 'Device storage' ('/')
[08:06:42.422] bcq: - storage 'Device storage (23 GB)' ('/storage/emulated/0/')
[08:06:42.426] bcq:   '/storage/emulated/0/alpinequest/' (writable)
[08:06:42.431] bcq:   '/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/psyberia.alpinequest.full/files/' (writable)
[08:06:42.431] awu: auto-detected storage device is '/storage/emulated/0/'
[08:06:42.436] awu: user defined storage device is '/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/psyberia.alpinequest.full/files/'
[08:06:42.436] awu: application folder is '/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/psyberia.alpinequest.full/files/'
[08:06:42.438] awu: using new (existing) datastore '/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/psyberia.alpinequest.full/files/datastore/' (legacy doesn't exist)
[08:06:42.441] azq: initializing UI: screen density is 2.0 (system: 2.0, phone)
[08:06:42.469] awx: 0 setting(s) loaded from 'user_settings.conf' in 0ms
[08:06:42.471] coa: user crs file '/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/psyberia.alpinequest.full/files/user_crs.conf' doesn't exist
[08:06:42.471] coa: 0 imported datums loaded in 0ms
[08:06:42.472] ami: setting log file to '/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/psyberia.alpinequest.full/files/logs/application.log' (21 logs in buffer)
[08:06:42.481] bnf: preferences restored from app folder in 4ms
[08:06:42.481] bnf: skipping restore of preferences from system...
[08:06:42.501] bsr: new main map is 'BaseMap' (old was 'null')
[08:06:42.518] ccv: updating push settings from server (last time null)...
[08:07:42.410] <AlpineQuestActivity.onPause()>
[08:09:08.908] <AlpineQuestActivity.onResume()>
[08:09:08.981] <AlpineQuestActivity.onWindowGainedFocus()>
[08:09:32.783] * Silent Concern * bye.doExecuteDataRequestOpt_BT(): UnknownHostException (Unable to resolve host "": No address associated with hostname)
[08:09:32.789] cov: current workspace is '/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/psyberia.alpinequest.full/files/datastore/'
[08:09:32.909] cig: loading stage: Restoring items…
[08:09:32.978] bwk: 2 location source(s) available: gps, passive
[08:09:32.980] bwx: orientation is available: [ROTATION_VECTOR, ORIENTATION, MAGNETIC_FIELD]
[08:09:32.994] cih: features loaded and initialized
[08:09:32.994] cig: loading stage: Please wait
[08:09:32.995] bti: restoring used map painters...
[08:09:33.091] th: requesting instance for '/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/psyberia.alpinequest.full/files/datastore/builtin-maps/OSMOMSROADS.IDX'
[08:09:33.092] th: creating new instance of 'OSMOMSROADS.IDX'
[08:09:33.102] sy:  - chunck #0, size: 9979434B (9.52MB), positions: #0 to #9979434
[08:09:33.106] bum: previously used map 'Open Map Roads' restored
[08:09:33.106] bsr: new main map is 'Open Map Roads' (old was 'BaseMap')
[08:09:33.109] * Silent Concern * eky._doGetFromUrlOpt_BT(): UnknownHostException (Unable to resolve host "": No address associated with hostname)
[08:09:33.112] cig: loading stage: Please wait
[08:09:33.112] cih: entering ui thread safe mode...
[08:09:33.128] cnj: main map view displayed...
[08:09:33.139] cgz: system multitouch activated
[08:09:33.146] esh: service agent not started
[08:09:33.148] erz: there is no tracker data
[08:09:33.151] ceo: all runtime permissions granted
[08:09:33.153] cnj: main map view displayed...
[08:09:33.155] bwk: no location source enabled
[08:09:33.172] <bsr.onViewInitialized()>
[08:09:33.173] bth: initialize canvas size to (7/7) (screen: 720×1440, tiles: 256×256, rot: true)
[08:09:33.173] bth: render settings: mode=MODE_150 (screen dp: 2.0px, painter_scale: ×1.3333334, 1 map px = 1.5 screen px)
[08:09:33.173] btf: changing maximum bitmap pool size to 12
[08:09:33.173] btf: changing bitmap allocation size to 256x256
[08:09:39.563] <bsr.onViewSizeChanged(720, 1392)>
[08:09:42.206] <bsr.onViewSizeChanged(720, 1408)>
[08:10:24.477] <AlpineQuestActivity.onPause()>
[08:10:24.478] cnj: main map view hidden...
[08:10:24.478] bti: saving used map painters...
[08:10:24.492] bnf: preferences saved to application folder in 7ms
[08:10:24.504] bnf: preferences saved to system in 11ms
[08:11:04.244] <AlpineQuestActivity.onResume()>
[08:11:04.244] cnj: main map view displayed...
[08:11:04.246] bwk: no location source enabled
[08:11:12.297] <AlpineQuestActivity.onWindowGainedFocus()>
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Posts: 6408
Joined: Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:41 pm

Re: AlpineQuest and NetGuard/VPN

Post by Psyberia-Support »

The ids file is missing. Start the application one time with Internet then it won't be downloaded again.
Concerning the freeze, I don't have an Android 10 test device, but I'll try to get one.
Anyway the application uses the standard internet APIs with a 2 seconds timeout, so it should not "freeze" more than 2 seconds. I'm don't think I'll be able to do something anyway.
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Re: AlpineQuest and NetGuard/VPN

Post by Thunderbolt_47 »

So, would there be a VPN for Android smartphones that doesn't mess with AlpineQuest? Because I'm often working or travelling abroad (not these days, of course), and no matter whether I'm hiking through the Belgian Ardennes or accompanying my boss to check out some of this property in Germany in the deep countryside, I'd like to be able to use maps and do so with a VPN to protect my personal data.

Re: AlpineQuest and NetGuard/VPN

Post by tol »

Psyberia-Support wrote: Mon Mar 30, 2020 10:18 am Hi,
The ids file is missing. Start the application one time with Internet then it won't be downloaded again.
Maybe you are right, I don't know why it wasn't downloaded before, maybe it was blocked by firewall for some reason... I disabled firewall for 1 minute, started alpinequest, then enabled firewall again and now it works as you describe even without internet.

Anyway, it's a good program and I want to make a donation but my paypal account doesn't work anymore. It writes "We couldn't complete your payment for you. To get your payments working again, check your account or contact us". Now they want me to provide the documents that I don't want to provide to them (passport and other personal IDs)... To say the truth, I don't want to deal with paypal anymore. because it's not popular in my country anyway. If you accept WM,, qiwi, or visa/mastercard payment (without paypal), I will gladly make a donation. P.S. I don't have google play either.
Thunderbolt_47 wrote: Mon Mar 30, 2020 8:03 pm So, would there be a VPN for Android smartphones that doesn't mess with AlpineQuest?
I don't see any problems with AlpineQuest when using VPN and internet connection is available.
Posts: 9
Joined: Sat Mar 21, 2020 11:18 am

Re: AlpineQuest and NetGuard/VPN

Post by Thunderbolt_47 »

Thanks, great, that's what I wanted to hear!
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