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Online Help > AlpineQuest 2.x > Maps & Layers


The application does respond to various intent actions, allowing you to control few features from external application like Automate or Tasker.

General intents:

  • “APP_STOP”: Close the application.


  • “LANDMARKS_FAST_WAYPOINT”: Create a waypoint on the map, saved in the default placemarks folder. The screen center location or GPS location (if available) is used based on the last created waypoint choices. Extra fields: “name” (String; the waypoint name).

Track recorder:

  • “TRACKER_START”: Start the track recorder;
  • “TRACKER_STOP”: Stop the track recorder;
  • “TRACKER_ADD_WAYPOINT”: Add a waypoint to the recorded track. Extra fields: “name” (String; the waypoint name).